
Call for participation to the 5th edition of the IEEE ComSoc Student Competition

The deadline for submissions has been extended to 15 September! This is a wonderful opportunity for ComSoc members students to join the IEEE Communications Society, 5th edition of the IEEE ComSoc Student Competition "Communications Technology Changing the World".

The Competition is open to graduate and undergraduate students, who are members of the IEEE Communications Society.
Its purpose is to recognize students or teams of students who demonstrate the capacity to improve the lives of people, through the application of communication technology and the development of projects that meet the human needs of people.

The First Prize consists of $2000 + plaque and will be presented to winner(s) at IEEE GLOBECOM 2017, Singapore. See all details at:
The deadline for submissions is 15 August.

The deadline for submissions has been extended to 15 September!

The IEEE ComSoc Student Competition has been a great success since its first edition in 2013.
We hope to receive many qualified submissions also this year.

Best regards
Stefano Bregni


Tagdíjfizetés részletei


Tagnyilvántartás - belépés


Technikatörténeti évfordulók


Legközelebbi események

EIVOK-50 2024.10.01. 17:00 - 2024.10.01. 20:00
Vezetőségi ülés - Vétel., Kábelt. szo, Médiaklub 2024.10.02. 9:00 - 2024.10.02. 11:00
SZOMEL Kft. szaknapja - Vételt., Kábel. szo., Médiaklub 2024.10.30. 9:00 - 2024.10.30. 17:00
HTE Infokom 2024 2024.11.05. 9:00 - 2024.11.06. 18:00

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