
Digital Assembly 2016 in Bratislava

Digital Assembly 2016 in Bratislava: "Putting the Digital Single Market at the heart of Europe". The event will take place on 28 and 29 September in Bratislava, Slovakia. It is an event co-organised by the European Commission and the Slovak Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

This year, the Digital Assembly falls under the so-called 'Digital Week' as it will be preceded by the ICT Proposers' Day taking place on 26-27 September in Slovakia.

The event will be held at the Slovak National Theatre in the heart of the old Bratislava.

The Digital Assembly will be attended by high-level officials from EU Member States and European Institutions, policy-makers, representatives of industry and academia, start-ups, NGOs, etc. We can already highlight the presence of the Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, the Slovak Vice-Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini, European Commission's Vice-President Andrus Ansip and Commissioner Gunther Oettinger.

The Programme of the Digital Assembly will provide opportunities to discuss and exchange ideas with stakeholders on the European digital policy. It will feature a plenary session that will contain keynote and inspirational speeches, a CEO's debate and six parallel workshops that will cover key topics of the Digital Single Market strategy:

  • Digitising European Industry – Reaping the full benefits of a DSM;
  • E-Commerce and Online Platforms;
  • Improving access to content in the DSM;
  • Connected and Automated Driving;
  • Internet of Things and ePrivacy;
  • Gigabit Society.

The Digital Assembly 2016 is an invitation-only event. It will be streamed live on this page and on the Slovak Presidency website.

For more information, follow #da16eu on Twitter and check regularly this web page for updates.

Should you have any queries, please contact the organizers via email.




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