
EuroCon 2015 konferencia

The IEEE Region 8 EuroCon 2015 Conference is a premier forum for the exchange of ideas, open and direct discussion on the development of the Circuits and Systems, Multimedia, Information and Communication Technology and Energy and Power Systems. It has achieved a considerable success during the past 15 editions covering majority of the fields in the area of electrical engineering. EUROCON 2015 is organized by the IEEE Spanish Section and IEEE Region 8.



In addition to regular sessions, participants are encouraged to organize special sessions on specialized topics. Each special session should have at least 4 or 5 quality papers. Special session organizers will solicit submissions; conduct reviews jointly with the EUROCON 2015 PC and in the same way recommend accept/reject decisions on the submitted papers.

Special Session submission deadline: 30th March, 2015

Submission of Special Sessions are welcome!

For more information, please, send an email to: and check the following webpage:

Up to now:
       1. Enhanced Interference Management in Advanced Mobile Communications Networks for Energy Saving
       2. Software Defined Radio for Education
       3. Applications of Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering
       4. Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications by SMC



Prof. Marios M. Polycarpou - University of Cyprus (Cyprus)
Prof. Francisco Herrera - University of Granada (Spain)



Guided visit to Salamanca and Tapas Night
Guided visit to Ciudad Rodrigo followed by Bullfighting Show (No pain or blood involved for the brave animals) and Gala Dinner


1. Information and Communication Technology:
Internet Services and Applications; Future Internet; Wireless and Mobile Communications; Network Convergence; Multimedia Communication Systems; Quality of Service and Quality of Experience; High performance Networking; Optical Systems and Networks; Network Design and Optimization of Communication Systems; Network Performance Evaluation; Multiagent Systems; Intelligent Systems; Sensor Networks; Self-Organizing Networks; Distributed Embedded Systems; Software Engineering; Cloud Computing; Security 

2. Circuits and Systems for Signal Processing:
Analog and Mixed Circuits; RF Circuits; Low Power Circuits; VLSI Circuits and Systems; Device and Circuit Modeling; Design for Testability; Distributed Circuits; Reconfigurable Architectures; High Level Synthesis; Hardware and Software Co-design; Signal, Image and Video Processing and Analysis; Pattern Recognition; Multimedia; Sensors and Transducers; MEMS; Biomedical Systems; Human-Computer Interaction; Robotics; Neural Networks; Fuzzy Logic

3. Energy: 
 a) Power Resources and Systems: Power System Planning and Management; PowerMachines and Electric Vehicles; Electricity Demand; Smart Grid and Smart Energy Systems; Energy and Environment Sustainable Development; Transition Towards a Low Carbon Energy System
 b) Smart Cities and Energy in Buildings: From Efficient Buildings to Smart Cities; IntegratedManagement Systems; End-use Customers; Demand-Side Management; Advanced Metering Infrastructure; Engineering Education 


Manuscripts must be written in English. All papers must comply with the format of the IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings and each paper should not exceed 6 pages.

All submissions will be refereed by experts in the field based on originality, significance, quality and clarity. All contributions must be original, must not have been published elsewhere and must not be intended to be published elsewhere (conference or journal) during the review period. Accepted papers will be included in EUROCON 2015 Proceedings, which will be published by IEEE and submitted to IEEE Xplore. All accepted papers will be considered for extension for possible publication in journal special issues dedicated to this conference.

All papers must be initially submitted in electronic PDF format using the online paper submission system:


*General Chair*
 Emilio Corchado– University of Salamanca (Spain)

*Honorary Chairs*

 Alfonso Fernández Mañueco - Mayor of Salamanca (Spain)
 Costas M. Stasopoulos- IEEE Region 8 Director-Elect.

*Technical Programme Committee*

 TPC Co-chairs 

     Carl James Debono - University of Malta (Malta)
     Magdalena Salazar- Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain)
     Manuel Castro - UNED (Spain)
     Manuel Graña - University of País Vasco/EHU (Spain)

 Publicity Co-chairs

     Matej Zajc- University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
     Marios Antoniou- CYTA (Cyprus)
     Ali El-Mousa - University of Jordan (Jordan)
     Shaun Kaplan - CapeSoft

*Track Chairs*

Jan Haase– Track: Energy
Athanasios Kakarountas– Track: Circuits and Systems for Signal Processing


Paper submission deadline: 4th May, 2015

Acceptance notification: 25th May, 2015
Camera-Ready Copy Due: 15th June, 2015
Payment deadline: 22nd June, 2015
Conference dates: 8th-11th September, 2015


Dr. Emilio Corchado
IEEE Spain Section Chair
Department of Computer Science and Automatic Control
University of Salamanca
Salamanca, Spain 

IEEE Spain Section

For more information about EUROCON 2015, please refer to the conference
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Letölthető Call for Papers
Előadás benyújtási határidő: május 4.



Tagdíjfizetés részletei


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SZOMEL Kft. szaknapja - Vételt., Kábel. szo., Médiaklub 2024.10.30. 9:00 - 2024.10.30. 17:00
HTE Infokom 2024 2024.11.05. 9:00 - 2024.11.06. 18:00

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