
IEEE ComSoc 2020 Student Competition

We are excited to commence our annual Communications Technology Changing the World Student Competition. Project submissions are due August 15, 2020.

IEEE ComSoc 2020 Student Competition

First Prize: $2000 USD | Second Prize: $1000 USD


We are excited to commence our annual Communications Technology Changing the World Student Competition, which recognizes students who demonstrate the capacity to improve the lives of people through the development and application of communications technology.

The competition is open only to ComSoc Student/Graduate Student members aged 18+; both individual students and groups of students are allowed to participate. Participants will submit technical projects for consideration and the winner(s) will be chosen by a select committee

The top prize winner will receive $2000 USD and the runner-up will receive $1000 USD.  The top prize winner (a team leader or individual competitor) will be invited to attend IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM) with all expenses paid, where they will be presented with the prize. 

View a list of past winners.

Project submissions are due August 15, 2020.

Learn More

The IEEE Communications Society would like to express our concern and support for all affected by the COVID–19 pandemic. Please be assured that we remain committed to providing educational resources and services to our global community during this difficult time. We sincerely appreciate your dedication and support as we continue to work together on our shared mission of advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.


IEEE Communications Society - 3 Park Ave., 17th Flr. New York, New York 10016 |


Tagdíjfizetés részletei


Tagnyilvántartás - belépés


Technikatörténeti évfordulók


Legközelebbi események

EIVOK-50 2024.10.01. 17:00 - 2024.10.01. 20:00
Vezetőségi ülés - Vétel., Kábelt. szo, Médiaklub 2024.10.02. 9:00 - 2024.10.02. 11:00
SZOMEL Kft. szaknapja - Vételt., Kábel. szo., Médiaklub 2024.10.30. 9:00 - 2024.10.30. 17:00
HTE Infokom 2024 2024.11.05. 9:00 - 2024.11.06. 18:00

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