
IEEE ComSoc Student Competition "Communications Technology Changing the World"

Dedicated to the future leaders in communications and networking, IEEE ComSoc holds an annual student competition, encouraging communications engineering students to expand their knowledge, test and showcase new skills, and inspire innovation. The winning student (or student team) can earn up to US$2,000. The team leader or the individual of the First prize will be invited to receive the prize at IEEE GLOBECOM 2019, Hawaii, USA, with expenses paid.

Competition Description
The competition, Communication Technology Changing the World, recognizes students or teams of students who demonstrate the capacity to improve the lives of people, through the application of communication technology and the development of projects that meet the human needs of people.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. To individually qualify for the competition, a participant must be a Student member or Graduate Student member of IEEE Communications Society.
  2. Entrants may form a team with other IEEE ComSoc Student members or non-Student-members, as long as the team is led by an IEEE ComSoc Student member.
  3. Team members do not need to be from the same country or region.
  4. In this competition, students must play the predominant roles in developing the project and problem-solving. Higher grade senior roles may be included on a team, but will be considered "mentors" or "advisors." Non-Student members among authors must be listed as "Advisor."
  5. While students may receive technical and financial assistance from others, senior individuals acting in any mentorship role must limit the level of support to general guidance and must not contribute in any other form that might be considered original authorship, or in any way that may enable claims of rights or ownership to the submitted entries.
  6. The submission entry must specify clearly the contribution of mentors or others supporting the students in the team.
  7. Student members or Graduate Student members of the IEEE Communications Society must be at least 18 years of age at the time of entry submission.
  8. IEEE ComSoc Membership - Non members can join IEEE ComSoc at any time. IEEE Student members must renew for the 2019 membership year and add ComSoc to be eligible to participate in the student contest.

See all details at

The deadline for submissions is 15 August 2019.


Tagdíjfizetés részletei


Tagnyilvántartás - belépés


Technikatörténeti évfordulók


Legközelebbi események

EIVOK-50 2024.10.01. 17:00 - 2024.10.01. 20:00
Vezetőségi ülés - Vétel., Kábelt. szo, Médiaklub 2024.10.02. 9:00 - 2024.10.02. 11:00
SZOMEL Kft. szaknapja - Vételt., Kábel. szo., Médiaklub 2024.10.30. 9:00 - 2024.10.30. 17:00
HTE Infokom 2024 2024.11.05. 9:00 - 2024.11.06. 18:00

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