
Fabian Simmank, Katarzyna Grebosz-Haring, Thomas Ballhausen, Christian Thomay,  Martin Biallas, and Markus Tauber

Towards Automated Musical Anamnesis for Music-based Intervention in Dementia Patients

Dementia is a neurodegenerative disease affecting millions worldwide, leading to cognitive decline and difficulties in daily activities. Music-based interventions offer a promising, cost-effective, non-pharmacological approach to improving quality of life for people with dementia. However, understanding both preferred and familiar music, as well as individual music affinity, is crucial to avoid overstimulation and ensure meaningful engagement. Developing a protocol for musical anamnesis, which gathers a patient’s musical history and hearing health, demands significant manual effort and expertise, limiting its scalability. An automated approach could enhance the sustainability of music-based therapy by reducing therapist time while maintaining relevance and preference evaluation. Here, we introduce Automated Musical Anamnesis (AMA), a personalized, scalable intervention combining interdisciplinary methods to support people with dementia

DOI: 10.36244/ICJ.2024.4.5


Please cite this paper the following way:

Fabian Simmank, Katarzyna Grebosz-Haring, Thomas Ballhausen, Christian Thomay,  Martin Biallas, and Markus Tauber, "Towards Automated Musical Anamnesis for Music-based Intervention in Dementia Patients", Infocommunications Journal, Vol. XVI, No 4, December 2024, pp. 45-53., https://doi.org/10.36244/ICJ.2024.4.5


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