IAA PDC 2021 goes to Austria

International Academy of Astronautics selected Vienna, Austria for the 7th IAA Planetary Defense Conference on its meeting last year.

Initial date is 26-30 April, 2021.

Congratulations to the Austrian Team!



IAA PDC 2021 for Budapest - bidding website

The Hungarian Astronautical Society in collaboration with the Scientific Association for Infocommunications Hungary (an IEEE and IEEE Communications Society sister organization) proposes to host the 7th IAA Planetary Defense Conference in Budapest in April 2021. The IAA members as official proposers are the following Dr. Iván Almár, honorary member, Dr. Előd Both, full member, János Solymosi, corresponding member.


Official proposers

The IAA members as official proposers are the following Dr. Iván Almár, honorary member, Dr. Előd Both, full member, János Solymosi, corresponding member.

Roles of organizers

  • Honorary Chair of the LOC: Dr. Iván Almár, MANT, honorary member of IAA
  • Chair of the LOC: Dr. László Bacsárdi, MANT, SGAC Alumni member, IAF YSL 2017
  • Logistics Co-Chair of LOC[1] Péter Nagy, HTE

Members of the LOC

  • Dr. Tibor Balint, NASA JPL, full member of IAA
  • Dr. Előd Both, MANT, full member of IAA
  • Dr. Orsolya Ferencz, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
  • Dr. Sándor Frey, MANT, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences
  • Dr. Attila Hirn, MANT, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Energy Research
  • Dr. Kálmán Kovács, MANT, Space Forum@Budapest University of Technology and Economics, former minister for infocommunications
  • Dorottya Milánkovich, MANT, C3S Ltd. (Hungary)
  • János Solymosi, MANT, BHE Bonn Hungary Ltd. (Hungary), corresponding member of IAA

The Conference Rapporteur is Dr. Tibor Balint.[2]

The proposed Guest Editors[3] for the special issue of Acta Astronautica are Dr. Tibor Balint, Dr. László Bacsárdi, Dr. Sándor Frey. All of them have good publications record and experience as editors/guest editors.


[1] individual who will represent the Local Organizing Committee on the conference's International Organizing Committee

[2] individual who prepare with Session Rapporteurs the technical report on the conference

[3] who prepare a special issue of the Journal of the International Academy of Astronautics named Acta Astonautica less than 6 months after the conference


People behind the bid


Iván Almár

Astronomer. Graduated in 1954 from the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. Started to work at the Konkoly Observatory of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 1954 in astrophysics. Organized in 1957 the optical satellite tracking network in Hungary. In 1956 secretary and co-organizer of the Hungarian Astronautical Committee. Earned PhD in 1959, DSc in 1980 already in upper-atmospheric research using satellites. Since 1980 honorary professor. In 1972 organizer and head of the Hungarian Satellite Geodetic Observatory. In 1983, as IAF vice president, has organized the IAF congress in Budapest. Since 1986 member of IAA, chairman of the terminology committee, co-chair of the SETI Committee, president of Commission 6 etc. He was president of the Hungarian Astronautical Society for 25 years, honorary president since 1997. Retired. Honorary member of the IAA.

László Bacsárdi

Received his M.Sc. degree in 2006 in Computer Engineering from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). He wrote his PhD thesis on the possible connection between space communications and quantum communications at the BME Department of Telecommunications in 2012. From 2009, he works at the University of Sopron, Hungary (formerly known as University of West Hungary). He holds an associate professor position at the Institute of Informatics and Economics, University of Sopron. He is research fellow at the Department of Networked Systems and Services, BME.
He is the Vice President of the Hungarian Astronautical Society (MANT), where he was the secretary general between 2009 and 2018. Furthermore, he is member of IEEE, AIAA and the HTE as well as alumni member of the UN established Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) where he was an executive member responsible for regional workshops. In 2017, he won the IAF Young Space Leadership Award. He is member of TPC and IPC of several international conferences. Recently, he was the chair of the 2ndESA Symposium on Space Educational Activities and the co-chair of the H-SPACE conference series.

Tibor Balint

is a Principal Human Centered Designer at NASA ‘s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. He received his second PhD at the Royal College of Art (RCA), School of Design in Innovation Design Engineering. Before his research at RCA, he was the Senior Technical Advisor at NASA HQ under the Space Technology Mission Directorate, and for the prior two years acted as the Program Executive for STMD’s Game Changing Development Program. He was also a Senior Technologist within the Office of the Chief Technologist at NASA HQ, and for 8 years he worked as a mission architect and technologist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, in Pasadena, CA, within the Planetary and Lunar Missions Concepts Group. For 9 years he conducted nuclear safety analysis, as a nuclear design engineer, at Ontario Hydro, Toronto, Canada. He earned a PhD in engineering from Warwick University, UK; an MPhil from Exeter University, UK; an MSc from the Technical University of Budapest, Hungary; and a Master of Space Studies degree from the International Space University, France. He is a full member of the IAA.

Előd Both

Physicist, astronomer. Graduated in 1976 from the Eötvös University (Budapest). Between 1976–1981 scientific research worker at the Baja Observatory of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Dr. univ. from the Eötvös University (Budapest) in celestial mechanics and upper atmospheric research. For ten years worked at the Uránia Public Observatory as popularizer of astronomy and astronautics. 1997–2014 Director/Head of the Hungarian Space Office. Since 2014 he is retired. 2006–2008 first vice chairman of the UN COPUOS. 2014–2016 chairman of the COPUOS Scientific and Technical Subcommittee. Since 2018, President of the Hungarian Astronautical Society. Member of Board at the Club of (Hungarian) Science Journalists. He is full member of the IAA.

Orsolya Ferencz

Graduated from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in 1993 as electrical engineer and received PhD degree in 1996. (Title of her dissertation: Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Different Terrestrial Atmospheric Models). In 1996, she joined the Department of Geophysics & Space Sciences, Eötvös Loránd University. From 2006, she works there as senior research fellow. Between 2013 and 2015, she was research fellow at Geodetic and Geophysical Institute, MTA Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Hungary.
Since 2010, she is member of the city council in Budapest VIII and held different positions including chair of the Smart City Committee. From 1st of November 2018, she has been appointed as Ministerial Commissioner for space research by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Sándor Frey

received PhD in astrophysics from the Eötvös Loránd University in 2001. Affiliated with the Konkoly Observatory of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Research interests: radio astronomy, very long baseline interforometry (VLBI), including space VLBI, global navigation satellite systems. Vice President of the Hungarian Astronautical Society (MANT) since 2015. Member of the Hungarian Scientific Council on Space Research since 2012. Regularly publishes space-related popular articles, works as chief editor of the Hungarian-language daily space news portal (Űrvilág, www.urvilag.hu) established in 2002.

Attila Hirn

Engineering physicist. He earned his PhD in Physics/ Nuclear Techniques in 2009 from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Senior researcher and head of the space dosimetry research group at the Centre for Energy Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Member of the scientific council of the research institute since 2012. His main research interest is development of space dosimeter systems and space weather instruments. Also as a guest scientist in the Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung in Germany, he was coinvestigator in the SESAME/DIM (Dust Impact Monitor) experiment for Rosetta/Philae. Secretary General of the Hungarian Astronautical Society (MANT) since 2018. Founding member of the Hungarian Aerospace Technology Platform since 2007. He was head of the Local Organizing Committee of the 18thWorkshop on Radiation Monitoring for the International Space Station in 2013. 

Kálmán Kovács

PhD in applications of geographic information systems, MSc in mathematical engineering. He has been working for Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) since 1984. He is director of the Federated Innovation and Knowledge Centre of BME (BME EIT) and associate professor of Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics of BME (BME VIK). He is member (from 1995 to 2012 Chairman) of the Hungarian Space Board. 
He was Minister of informatics and communications (2002-2006), Secretary of State of environment and water management (2006-2008) and of transport, communications and water management (1994-1998); member of the Hungarian Parliament (1998-2010).

Dorottya Milánkovich

Dorottya has a degree in physics from Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest. Currently she works at C3S LLC, in the past, she coordinated the Space Chemistry R&D Project at InnoStudio Inc. She participated in an international student rocket programme (REXUS Programme). She is a board member of the Hungarian Astronautical Society (MANT) and Hungarian National Point of Contact at the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) since 2014. She have experience in organizing international conferences and workshops in Budapest and in the US. She is interested in radiation, space medicine, Earth Observation and space education.

Péter Nagy

M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering (2000) and MBA (2005) from Budapest University of Technology and Economics, National Communications Authority, Hungary (2000-2005), Operation Director Scientific Association for Infocommunications, Hungary (2005-)
Chair or member of Local Organizing Committee for FIA 2011, VTC 2011 Spring, ITS Europe 2011, IEEE PerCom 2014, EuroCon 2015, ONDM 2017. Finance or Sponsoring Chair Mobilesummit 2007, IEEE ICC 2013, IEEE ICC 2014, IEEE WCNC 2015, IEEE HPSR 2015, EUSIPCO 2016, IEEE RFID-TA 2017.

János Solymosi

M.Sc. in Telecommunications Engineering (1977). Development engineer at the Space Research Group of the Budapest University of Technology from 1983. Director for Aerospace & Defense at BHE Bonn Hungary (1991-). Member of the Hungarian Space Board and the Hungarian Scientific Council on Space Research; Co-Chairman of the Hungarian Aerospace Technology Platform (HATP); Honorary member of the Hungarian Astronautical Society (MANT) and corresponding member of the IAA. He has space heritage of more than 30 years.


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