IAA PDC 2021 goes to Austria

International Academy of Astronautics selected Vienna, Austria for the 7th IAA Planetary Defense Conference on its meeting last year.

Initial date is 26-30 April, 2021.

Congratulations to the Austrian Team!



IAA PDC 2021 for Budapest - bidding website

The Hungarian Astronautical Society in collaboration with the Scientific Association for Infocommunications Hungary (an IEEE and IEEE Communications Society sister organization) proposes to host the 7th IAA Planetary Defense Conference in Budapest in April 2021. The IAA members as official proposers are the following Dr. Iván Almár, honorary member, Dr. Előd Both, full member, János Solymosi, corresponding member.


For more information, please contact

László Bacsárdi

Chair of the Local Organizing Committee
Vice President, Hungarian Astronautical Society




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