IAA PDC 2021 goes to Austria
International Academy of Astronautics selected Vienna, Austria for the 7th IAA Planetary Defense Conference on its meeting last year.
Initial date is 26-30 April, 2021.
Congratulations to the Austrian Team!
IAA PDC 2021 for Budapest - bidding website
The Hungarian Astronautical Society in collaboration with the Scientific Association for Infocommunications Hungary (an IEEE and IEEE Communications Society sister organization) proposes to host the 7th IAA Planetary Defense Conference in Budapest in April 2021. The IAA members as official proposers are the following Dr. Iván Almár, honorary member, Dr. Előd Both, full member, János Solymosi, corresponding member.
Hungarian Astronautical Society (MANT)
The Hungarian Astronautical Society (MANT in Hungarian) is a civil organization in Hungary that gathers space researchers, users of space technology and everyone who is interested in the interdisciplinary and state-of-the-art uses and research of outer space. The society was established in 1956 in Budapest, and it is the only Hungarian member of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) since 1959. The aim of MANT is to raise public awareness about space activity and space applications. The society also provides an opportunity for space enthusiasts to meet, exchange ideas and work together. MANT, through its members from various fields of science, organizes conferences, youth forums, summer space camps, issues periodicals, releases media material and holds lectures about space research and connected scientific fields.
MANT organized numerous conferences in the last years, including the 1st IAA Conference on Impact of Space on Society in Budapest, Hungary, 17-19 March 2005.
More information: http://www.mant.hu
The Scientific Association for Infocommunications Hungary (HTE)
Founded 70 years ago, in 1949, the Scientific Association for Infocommunications a voluntary and autonomous professional society of engineers and economists, researchers and businessmen, managers and educational, regulatory and other professionals working in the fields of telecommunications, broadcasting, electronics, information and media technologies in Hungary.
Besides its almost 900 individual members, the Scientific Association for Infocommunications has more than 60 corporate members as well. Among them there are large companies and small-and-medium enterprises, with industrial, trade, service-providing, research and development activities, as well as educational institutions and research centers. HTE has a broad range of activities that aim to promote the convergence of information and communication technologies and the deployment of synergic applications and services, to broaden the knowledge and skills of our members, to facilitate the exchange of ideas and experiences, and to integrate and harmonize the professional opinions and standpoints derived from various group interests and market dynamics. HTE is a Sister Society of the IEEE and the IEEE Communications Society.
The Infocommunication Journal published by HTE is a quarterly peer-reviewed English language journal that provides a forum for researchers in Hungary and abroad to publish their latest research results of international relevance. It has the Technical Co-Sponsorship of IEEE Communications Society and IEEE Hungary Section. The Journal is covered by Inspec, Compendexand Scopus.
The Association organized many small or mid-sized international conferences recently. More information:http://www.hte.hu/web/en/conferences
BHE Bonn Hungary Ltd.
The BHE Bonn Hungary Ltd. is a leading Hungarian aerospace and space company. It was founded in 1991 as an R&D company in the field of the microwave telecommunications. They have applications in aerospace-space area for commercial, government and military customers. Currently the company supplies such solutions to various players and institutions mainly in the Defense, the Aerospace and Mobile Industry. These products are widely used in extreme conditions or places where reliability is a top matter, could it be the International Space Station, major sports stadium or international airports.
Today BHE is present in nearly 30 countries worldwide, and its export is growing rapidly. Among the main references there are the mobile service providers, Indian and Western European aerospace and defense industry companies. By its technology BHE offers complex civil safety solutions too, which range from the unmanned vehicles system to many areas of modern telecommunications.
Department for Space at Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Hungarian Space Office, HSO)
The Government of Hungary established the Hungarian Space Office (HSO) in January 1992. The Hungarian Space Office (HSO) manages, coordinates and represents the Hungarian space activities. In 2010, the Hungarian Space Office– keeping its name, image and independence in external relations– was administratively integrated into the body of the Ministry of National Development. The director of the office was Előd Both between 1997 and 2014 (he is member of our Local Organizing Committee). Currently, it is part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade as Department for Space and is supervised by Orsolya Ferencz, who is member of our Local Organizing Committee.
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