in a nutshell...
Peter NAGY received his M.Sc. in electrical engineering from Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME in 2000). He was a State scholar at TU-Vienna, Austria (1998). He finished his M.B.A. study in Budapest (2005), included a series of intensive special courses maintained by the State University of New York Buffalo (USA) and Rochester Institute of Technology (USA).
He is the Operations Director at the Scientific Association for Infocommunications (HTE), the Hungarian IEEE Communications Society Sister Society.
He is Member of IEEE Region 8 Awards and Recognition Committee and Member of IEEE Region 8 Africon Steering Committee. Previously he served as Vice-Chair Technical Activities of the IEEE Region 8 (Europe, Middle-East and Africa).
He is the publisher of the Infocommunications Journal (HU ISSN2061-2079), and was a Guest Editor of IEEE Communications Magazine in August 2013 (Quantum Communications). He was a member of the Supervisory Board of Finatech Capital Ltd, which invested mostly in the ICT sector. He was Industry Relations officer and Vice-Chair of the IEEE Hungary Section.
In ComSoc he served as Finance Working Group Chair of the GLOBECOM and ICC Management and Strategy (GIMS) Committee and he was member of Strategic Planning Committee and Sister & Related Societies Board. He has served as the Finance Chair for several IEEE conferences: ICC '13, ICC '14, WCNC '15, and HPSR '15, EUSIPCO ‘16, IEEE GLOBECOM 2019, NOMS 2020, NOMS 2022, IEEE GLOBECOM 2024.