Personal data

Name: Péter NAGY
Born: Jászberény, Hungary, 21 March 1976
Nationality: Hungarian
Mobile: +36 30 2990825
Marital status: married
Wife: Judit NAGY 
Daughters: Sarolta NAGY (17 years), Katalin NAGY (14 years)


  • 1994 - 2000 Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) Hungary, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, major in Electrical Engineering (MSc degree) Diploma: Frequency auctions/analysis of the UMTS auction in the UK by mathematical methods, theory of games and technological aspects
  • 1998 Technical University of Vienna, Austria / state scholarship
  • 2000 - 2005 Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) Hungary, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Master of Business Administration (MBA degree) Specialisation in Management, Quality and Production Management
    included a series of intensive special courses maintained by the State University of New York Buffalo (USA) and Rochester Institute of Technology (USA).
  • 2003 Expert Examination for Public Administration

Professional experience

  • 1999 - 2000 Vice-president of the Electrical Engineering Students Hungarian Association (EESTEC Hungary), Organiser of several international technical programs
  • 2000 - 2005 National Communications Authority of Hungary
    • Representative of Hungary within the End User Working Group of Independent Regulators Group (IRG) 2003-2005
    • European Union Interim 17. Committee member  2003-2004 Ministry of Informatics and Communications, Hungary
    • Head of the office, Administrative and Supervisory Section 2004-2005
  • 2003 - 2006 Student Counsellor of IEEE Hungary Section
  • 2007 - 2008 Industry Relation Officer of IEEE Hungary Section
  • 2005 - Operation Director of Sister Society of IEEE Communications Society,
    Scientific Association for Infocommunications, HTE
  • 2013 - 2019 Finatech Capital Zrt. (Venture Capital Company) - Member of the Supervisory Board
  • 2015 - 2016 Vice Chair of IEEE Hungary Section (responsible for Conferences and Sister Societies)
  • 2015 - Conference Coordination Subcommittee Member, IEEE Region 8 (Europe, Middle-East and Africa)
  • 2017 - 2018 Conference Coordinator, IEEE Region 8 (Europe, Middle-East and Africa)
  • 2018 - 2019 Member of IEEE Conferences Committee (IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Representative)
  • 2021 - 2022 Vice-Chair Technical Activities, IEEE Region 8
  • 2023 - 2024 IEEE Region 8 Awards and Recognition Committee Member

Communications Society

  • 2016 - 2017 Secretary, Strategic Planning Committee, IEEE ComSoc
  • 2016 - 2017 Member of the Sister and Related Societies Board, IEEE ComSoc
  • 2016 - 2018 Finance Working Group Chair of the GLOBECOM and ICC Management and Strategy (GIMS) Committee, IEEE ComSoc

Conference experience

(mainly event organizing, finance – patronage – management)

  • 2007 Local Organiser of 16th IST Mobile and Wireless Communications Summit 2007, Budapest Hungary
  • 2008 Local Organising Committee Chair for the 13th International Telecommunications Network Strategy and Planning Symposium, Budapest, Hungary – Networks 2008
  • 2009 Sister Society Representative for IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference 2009
    IEEE WCNC 2009, Budapest, Hungary
  • 2010 Local Org Committee Chair 3rd Joint IFIP Wireless Mobile Networking Conf., Budapest, Hungary
  • 2011 Main organizer of Future Internet Assembly, Future Internet Forum – FIA 2011 Budapest, Hungary
  • 2011 Local Arrangements Co-chair of IEEE 73rd Vehicular Technology Conference
    IEEE VTC2011-Spring Budapest, Hungary (IEEE Vehicular Technology Society)
  • 2011 Local Organising Committee chair, International Telecommunications Society European Regional Conference
    ITS Europe 2011 Budapest, Hungary
  • 2012 Finance Chair of 18th EUNICE Conference on Information and Communications Technologies, Budapest, Hungary
  • 2013 Finance Chair of IEEE International Conf. on Communications – ICC2013 Budapest, Hungary
  • 2014 Finance Co-Chair of IEEE International Conf. on Communications – ICC2014 Sydney, Australia
  • 2014 Local Organisation Chair of IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
    PerCom 2014, Budapest, Hungary (IEEE Computer Society)
  • 2015 Finance Chair of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference 2015
    WCNC 2015 New Orleans, LA, USA
  • 2015 Finance Chair of 16th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing
    HPSR 2015 Budapest, Hungary
  • 2015 Organizing Committee member – IEEE Region 8 EuroCon – Salamanca, Spain
  • 2016 Finance Chair of EUSIPCO 2016 – Budapest, Hungary
  • 2017 Finance Chair of RFID-TA 2017 Warsaw, Poland
  • 2019 Finance Co-Chair of IEEE GLOBECOM 2019, Hawaii, USA
  • 2020 Finance Chair, 2020 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, NOMS 2020, online event
  • 2021 ISCA Speech Synthesis Workshop, hybrid event
  • 2022 Finance Chair, 2022 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, NOMS 2022, hybrid event
  • 2024 Finance Chair of IEEE GLOBECOM 2024, Cape Town, South Africa

Scientific Experience

(publisher, conference, articles, guest editorial)

  • 2009 Publisher of the book: A HTE 60 éve (title in English: 60 years of HTE) ISBN 978-963-811-71-5 – in Hungarian
  • 2009 -  present Publisher of Infocommunications Journal, HTE - HU ISSN 2061-2079
  • 2009 Article and oral presentation: Implementation of Technology Neutrality Principle at ITS Europe in Bahrain, 26-28. October 2009
  • 2013 IEEE Comminications Magazine – Guest Editor – Quantum Communications August 2013.
  • 2019 Publisher of the book: Párhuzamos Mérföldkövek (title in English: Parallel Milestones) ISBN: 978-963-8111-80-7


  • IEEE Senior member / IEEE HKN Professional member / IEEE Communications Society / IEEE Computer Society / IEEE Women in Engineering
  • John von Neumann Computer Society, Hungary
  • Scientific Association for Infocommunications, Hungary



  • 2009 HTE Jubilee medal
  • 2017 IEEE Hungary Section Jubilee medal 2017
  • 2019 Medal for the Communication – awarded by Minister for Infocommunications and Technology in Hungary
  • 2023 IEEE MGA Achievement Award - For dedication to strengthening the relationship between National Societies and IEEE and highlighting the value of IEEE in industry relations

Language skills

  • Hungarian mother tongue
  • German  fluent speaking, problem-free writing, Hungarian state exam upper level (ÖSD Mittelstufe Deutsch)
  • English  fluent speaking, problem-free writing, Hungarian state exam intermediate level (Trinity 8. Grade)


Péter NAGY

May 2024.